A gathering at Hinds University Center provided an opportunity for students, faculty, staff and community members to experience Chinese culture and traditional activities.
Attendees can enjoy a light buffet lunch and maybe take home a door prize donated by local businesses that support the Faculty Staff Giving Champions initiative.
Registration includes morning refreshments and a chance for door prizes.
They were engineers in the making whose lives eventually merged as undergraduate students at Tennessee Technological University.
Witter and his band will take the stage for the WCU Friends of the Arts Annual Friend-Raising Concert.
The sessions will provide an opportunity for new faculty and staff, as well as returning employees, to have a photo made for departmental websites and other official uses.
Participants receive $5,000 per semester for their junior and senior years and also agree to work in nuclear-related employment for six months after graduation for every year they receive the award.
The board also will hold committee meetings and discussions Thursday, Feb. 28.
Sustainability is something that affects everyone in some way. During WCU’s 2019-20 academic year, it will affect students as the new campus learning theme.