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WCU Stories


Nuclear Regulatory Commission grant to fund Engineering scholarships

Thanks to a Nuclear Regulatory Commission grant, the College of Engineering and Technology will offer six scholarships for students studying in electrical power, mechanical and electrical disciplines.  

Lauren Teague

Preceptor Spotlight: Lauren Teague

Lauren Teague is a Registered Dietitian who works in the outpatient facility for the Haywood Regional Hospital seeing patients with a wide array of conditions. Lauren specializes in providing nutrition counseling for diabetes patients in both one-on-one sessions and group classes. She is also responsible for various leadership opportunities in Haywood County.  

Sudhir Kaul

Engineering professor Sudhir Kaul receives state’s excellence in teaching award

Sudhir Kaul, a professor in the School of Engineering and Technology, has received one of the University of North Carolina System’s top awards.  


The Princeton Review lists WCU among nation’s best MBA programs

The Princeton Review’s “Best Business Schools for 2022” list recognizes WCU’s College of Business among the best on-campus programs for students to earn an MBA.  

americas home place

Corporate support from America’s Home Place is helping build Construction Management program

Annual corporate support from one of the largest custom home builders in the eastern U.S. is helping lay the foundation for future successes for graduates of the Construction Management Program.  

I love wcu table

Hundreds of students, faculty, staff demonstrate their affection as ‘I Love WCU’ Month winds down

Several hundred students, faculty and staff took a break from the rigors that come during the second month of the 2022 spring semester to show a little affection during the sixth annual “I Love WCU Month.”  

Dr. Leatherwood Mars Hill

Three-time WCU alumna finds her true calling in community college leadership

When Laura Leatherwood discovered what higher education could do for her, she knew she had found her calling to ensure others discovered it for themselves.   

David Norton

Integrated Health Sciences program offering students a flexible pathway for health careers

Launched in fall 2018, the Integrated Health Sciences program is starting to graduate students. Some are entering the workforce.   

Western Wednesday Banner

Western Wednesdays

Welcome to Western Wednesdays, the podcast edition! While Western Wednesdays have been around for 18 months, we’re excited to bring it to you in the world of podcasts. Every month we’ll be sitting down with alumni from all different backgrounds to talk about how WCU influenced them and their careers.  


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